
Assessment Report

Personality Assessment & Testing Service

Ayesha Razzaq

  • Age17
  • GenderMale
  • Socio Economic StatusMiddle
  • Family SystemNuclear
  • Marks in Last Class / Expected Marks in:70%


We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on taking the first step in choosing a suitable career guidance for yourself and thank you for trusting us to make suitable career suggestions based on your interests and skills.We sincerely hope this report will help you in making an informed decision about your degree and future career.

The next tabs will present comprehensive results of your personality, interests, and strong subject areas. Based on these three dimensional results, our AI model will present the three ideal career fields for you in Pakistan

professions assessment

professions graph
Management Sciences
Earth & Environmental Sciences
Personality Assessment & Testing Service

Your Skills Assessment

Here are the details regarding the top skills identified during assessment. Additional, please review your skills identified for improvement to enhance theme for better career progression.

skills graph

Top Skills

  • [A] Compassion and Empathy
  • [C] Teamwork and Collaboration
  • [E] Curiosity and Continuous Learning
  • [J] Research and Analytical Skills
  • [H] Leadership

Skills To Improve

  • [D] Technical and Analytical Thinking
  • [I] Strategic Thinking
  • [B] Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
Personality Assessment & Testing Service

Descriptive Report

Please review your following descriptive report, which includes details regardong the sjills required to progress in that specific profession, prospective fields relevant to that profession, and information on occupation information on occupation prospects and job operortunities

1. Medicine [MEDI]

Required Skills:

[A] Compassion and Empathy

[C] Teamwork and Collaboration

[E] Curiosity and Continuous Learning

[J] Research and Analytical Skills


[1] MBBS

[2] Pharmacy

[3] Allied Health Sciences (HND, MLT, MIT etc.)

[4] Nursing

[5] Public Health

[6] Veterinary

[7] Dental


Hospitals and Clinics, Academic Institutions, Public Health, Pharmaceutical Industry, Medical Technology, Healthcare Administration, Research and Development, Telemedicine, Occupational Health, Health Insurance, Military and Defense, Government Agencies, Medical Writing and Journalism, Medical Consultancies,

Job opportunities:

Hospitals and Clinics: Traditional clinical settings, including public and private hospitals, outpatient clinics, and specialized medical centers. Academic Institutions: Medical schools, universities, and research institutions where they can teach, conduct research, and mentor students. Public Health: Government health departments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international health organizations working on public health initiatives and disease prevention. Pharmaceutical Industry: Pharmaceutical companies involved in drug research, development, manufacturing, and sales. Medical Technology: Companies developing and producing medical devices, diagnostics, and healthcare technologies. Healthcare Administration: Hospitals and healthcare organizations employ professionals in managerial and administrative roles. Research and Development: Research centers and laboratories focused on medical research and clinical trials. Telemedicine: Companies and platforms providing remote healthcare services and virtual consultations. Occupational Health: Corporations, businesses, and industries hire medical professionals to manage employee health and safety. Health Insurance: Insurance companies often employ medical graduates for roles involving claims assessment and medical review. Military and Defense: Armed forces and defense departments employ medical professionals to provide healthcare to military personnel. Government Agencies: Various government departments related to health and regulatory bodies often require medical expertise. Medical Writing and Journalism: Media outlets, medical publications, and online platforms hire medical writers and journalists to communicate healthcare information to the public. Medical Consultancies: Consulting firms specialized in healthcare and medical consulting.    

Personality Assessment & Testing Service

2. Management Sciences [MGMT]

Required Skills:

[C] Teamwork and Collaboration

[D] Technical and Analytical Thinking

[H] Leadership

[I] Strategic Thinking


[1] Aviation Management

[2] HRM

[3] Project Management

[4] Healthcare Management

[5] Quality Management

[6] Supply chain Management


Business Manager/Administrator, Human Resources Manager, Marketing Manager, Sales Manager, Financial Analyst, Supply Chain Manager, Project Manager, Operations Manager, Management Consultant, Business Development Manager, Entrepreneur/Startup Founder, Nonprofit/NGO Manager, Healthcare Administrator, Hotel/Resort Manager, Public Administration Officer, Management Analyst, Retail Store Manager, Risk Manager, Logistics Manager, Government Policy Analyst,

Job opportunities:

Management Sciences field has gained significant importance due to the growth of industries, businesses, and entrepreneurship. Job opportunities exist in sectors such as finance, marketing, human resources, operations, supply chain management, project management, and consulting. Graduates with management degrees can pursue careers in corporate organizations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, startups, and consulting firms. The field also encourages entrepreneurial endeavors, allowing individuals to establish and manage their own ventures. The scope of Management Sciences extends beyond the corporate sector. It is also applicable to public administration, healthcare organizations, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the sports industry, among others. The ability to manage resources, people, and projects is crucial for the success of any organization, regardless of its nature or size.

Personality Assessment & Testing Service

3. Earth & Environmental Sciences [EES]

Required Skills:

[B] Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

[J] Research and Analytical Skills


[1] Archeology

[2] Environmental Management

[3] Hydrology

[4] Mining


Environmental Scientist, Geologist, Hydrologist, Environmental Consultant, Climate Change Analyst, Soil Scientist, Geospatial Analyst/GIS Specialist, Environmental Engineer, Natural Resource Manager, Oceanographer, Environmental Planner, Geotechnical Engineer, Ecologist, Geological Technician, Environmental Health Specialist, Water Resources Engineer, Environmental Educator, Paleontologist, Air Quality Specialist, Environmental Policy Analyst,

Job opportunities:

Job opportunities exist in areas such as environmental consulting, natural resource management, geology, climate change research, environmental impact assessment, renewable energy, water resource management, and conservation. Graduates with degrees in Earth and Environmental Sciences can work in government agencies, research institutions, non-profit organizations, energy companies, environmental consulting firms, and academic institutions.