Career Assessment

Navigating Your Assessment - Step by Step

Before you start a test, please click the Registration button in the upper bar in the right corner and create your account. Then you may deposit your test fee and start the test after logging in. Please click on the assessment button and follow these steps.

Step 1: Statement Selection

Select 3 statements from among the several showing on your screen. Weigh each statement and select that describes your natural liking.

Step 2: Priorities Selection

Here is a list of priorities. Rank these priorities in order of importance to you. Most important is I then 2 and least important is 3. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers in this step.

Step 3: Skills Selection

Here, you can find a list of 20 skill sets with 2 statements in each. Choose the one, among the two that you believe you possess or excel at.

Step 4: Receiving Your Results

On completion of the test, you will receive your report on your registered email. This report is your guide to understanding your strengths and potential career avenues.

What Assessment Report Shows?

The report outlines the top three skills that are in line with the academic fields as determined by the student’s assessment. Student’s ability and talent that he or she possesses by aptitude. The report offers a perceptive evaluation of the abilities showed by the student, detailing both present advantages and shortcomings. It provides students with an understanding of how their chosen disciplines are changing and gives them the tools to make well-informed decisions about their academic and professional goals by projecting trends and advancements in these industries.

At PATS, we're dedicated to paving a clear road towards a fulfilling career.

Embrace the journey Today!

Remember, your dream career is not a distant goal—it's a decision away. Let our psychometric assessments be your guiding light that guide you towards a fulfilling and meaningful future.

Individual Plan

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  • Account Title: ASK Development (Pvt) Ltd
  • IBAN Number: PK71SCBL0000001700815301
  • BRANCH CODE: 0114

Institute Plan

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  • Account Title: ASK Development (Pvt) Ltd
  • IBAN Number: PK71SCBL0000001700815301
  • BRANCH CODE: 0114